
Tips for Single Service Members
Guard member with girl

Tips for Single Service Membersline

Deployments are just as demanding for the single military member as they are for couples. As a single service member, you will have the added burden of finding a reliable individual to handle your personal affairs during your absence. The importance of a will and power of attorney is critical, as are all aspects of readiness preparation.

Single Service Member Guidelines

Consider these factors when preparing for a deployment.

House or Apartment:
  • Have I made proper arrangements for mortgage/rent?
  • Should I continue with my rental lease?
  • Who will check on my house/apartment while I’m gone?
  • Where do I store it?
  • What about payments?
  • What about upkeep?
  • Who will care for them while I’m gone?
  • Do I have their medication/shot records, list of upcoming appointments, and veterinarian’s telephone number available? (For related material, review Pets in the separation tips section).
Invalid or Aging Parent:
  • Who will be responsible for the care of my parent(s) while I’m gone? (For related material, review Elder Care in the separation tips section).
  • Who will be responsible for the care of my child (children) while I’m gone? It is crucial that the family member or friend you choose to act as caregiver understands fully the responsibility this entails. (For related material, review Children and Youth in the separation tips section).
Significant Other:
  • What kind of support will my significant other need in my absence?
Emergency Notification Information:
  • Who should serve as my next of kin for emergency notification purposes?

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spacer  Single Service Member Readiness Checklist spacer
This 17-page guide provides a series of checklists for single service members to prepare for deployment. Once completed, these checklists will assist those who are acting on your behalf during your deployment.
  • Personal History Data Sheet
  • Employment Records
  • Military Service
  • Health History
  • Automobiles
  • Insurance
  • Property and Maintenance
  • Personal Property Safekeeping
  • Emergency Plans


Guard and Reserve Family Readiness Toolkit
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When You Return to Your Home

Care should be taken when you return home so that your health is not endangered. The water supply may have become contaminated from lack of use or minimal treatment. Until you have been advised that the water is safe, boil any that is to be used for human consumption. It may be necessary to take extra precautions with waste material until the area has reestablished the sewer system. Food will probably be carried back in your car. Before eating it, be sure that the food is fresh, particularly raw meat. Wash all fresh vegetables and clean all utensils prior to use.