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Air National Guard (ANG) and Army National Guard (ARNG) service members are entitled to a wide range of educational programs and services. While key defense benefits are available to all National Guard members, certain military branch benefits are offered only to ANG or ARNG personnel. Also eligible for educational programs are dependents of National Guard members and retired National Guard members.

Did you know?

that each state offers different educational benefits?
Visit the State-by-State Benefit Finder to find out what benefits your state offers.

National Guard Education Benefits Can Help You:

  • Pay your college tuition
  • Make payments on existing student loans
  • Obtain scholarships
  • Gain college credit through testing and for having obtained certified military skills
  • Pay for career development courses or courses taken to prepare for post-military service job placement

Your Benefits Program Eligibility Is Based On:

  • Length of your enlistment and your current enlistment status
  • Your previous education
  • Branch of the Guard (Air or Army) to which you belong
  • State-based assistance available in your state of residence

This section includes helpful resources and site links to aid you in furthering your education. Click on a link from the topic bar to learn more.