Veterans Organizations

Veterans Organizations

Veterans Organizations

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
The VA strives to meet the needs of the nation’s veterans and their families today and tomorrow through a range of programs and benefits. This Web site contains information on VA benefits, programs, facilities, and more.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) seal

The American Legion
The American Legion is a community-service organization that now numbers nearly 3 million members in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts worldwide. If you are on active duty today, anywhere in the world, or have served during any eligible war eras, you are a veteran and you’re eligible to become a Legionnaire!

American Legion seal

AMVETS helps veterans to help themselves by providing sound, professional advice on entitlements and pursuing issues important to them on Capitol Hill. The bulk of the organization’s work with veterans and communities is focused on veteran services, legislative action, and quality-of-life programs.


Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
The VFW has a rich tradition of enhancing the lives of millions through its community service programs and special projects.

VFW seal

Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
The million-member DAV is the official voice of America’s service-connected disabled veterans. Its nationwide network of services — free of charge to all veterans and members of their families — is totally supported by membership dues and contributions from the American public.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) seal

Veterans Service Organizations
Sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, this Web site lists links to nearly 200 chartered and nonchartered veterans service organizations.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) seal

Helmets to Hardhats
Helmets to Hardhats places quality men and women from the Armed Forces into promising building and construction careers.

Helmets to Hardhats logo