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Children’s Corner
Woman showing an opened book to a girl as she points at it

Children’s Corner

This section contains handbooks and guides designed especially for youth. Many of these documents are workbooks that your children will enjoy. Click on the links below to learn about each document.

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Click on the links below to check out the handbooks and guides that are available.

Deployment Guides

The Family Program’s Youth Deployment Guide

Separation/Activity Books for Youth

Lets Take a Trip (Ages 2-4)
Travel Trunk (Ages 5-7)
Travel Journal (Ages 8-10)
Trip Ticket (Ages 11-12)
Travel Pack (Ages 13-18)

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spacer  Youth and Deployment: A Guide to Survival  spacer
This 31-page guide discusses deployment and its effect on youth. The guide includes extensive checklists and information about how to help your children cope with these impacts.
  • Preparing for Deployment
  • Deployment and Me
  • Deployment and My Family
  • Help from the National Guard
  • Resources


National Guard Bureau-Family Program Office, February 2003
File (Size):
PDF file (526K)

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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spacer Deployment Activity Books by Age Group spacer
These are colorful, well-written activity books designed to help your children deal with the deployment of a loved one.
Activity Guides by Age Group File (Size):
Lets Take a Trip
(Ages 2-4)
PDF file (4.2MB)
Travel Trunk
(Ages 5-7)
PDF file (6MB)
Travel Journal
(Ages 8-10)
PDF file (3MB)
Trip Ticket
(Ages 11-12)
PDF file (6MB)
Travel Pack Ages
PDF file (3.6MB)
National Guard Bureau-Family Program Office, February 2003

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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