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Documents for Military Leaders
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Military Leaders

Military leaders provide considerable support and guidance for their troops. The following documents provide information that will help commanders provide support for their unit’s families in readiness preparation. Even though there are specific Air Force and Army readiness guides, commanders from either branch can get valuable information and ideas from both. Click on the links below to learn more from each document.

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Readiness and Family Resource Guides

Air Force Readiness EDGE for Commanders and Supervisors
Army Leaders’ Desk Reference for Soldier/Family Readiness
NHARNG Reunion and Reentry Program
AGAUS Spouses Workshop Presentation

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spacer  Air Force Readiness EDGE for Commanders and Supervisors spacer
The United States Air Force is committed to taking care of its own. The first line of support is the cadre of unit commanders, first sergeants, and supervisors. This 79-page guide provides an overview of Air Force services, staff, and family programs to assist in all phases of deployment and reintegration. It contains excellent guidance on providing support for specific challenges and behavior/adjustment concerns and offers tailored support on many other deployment and family issues.
  • Air Force Resources and Installation Contacts
  • Integrated Delivery System
  • About Air Force Readiness EDGE
  • Commander and Supervisor Checklists
    – Pre-Deployment
    – Deployment
    – Combat Stress Reactions During
    – Post-Deployment
  • Task Force Recommendations for Reintegration
  • Family Emergency Preparedness
  • Air Force Survivor Assistance
  • Chaplain Service
  • Family Advocacy Program
  • Family Member Programs
  • Special Needs Identification and Assignment Coordination
  • Legal Programs
  • Public Affairs

Department of the Air Force, 2003

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spacer  Army Leaders’ Desk Reference for Soldier/Family Readiness spacer
This 38-page guide is designed for
commanders and leaders to understand and address family readiness. It presents the key elements in a unit’s family readiness responsibilities.
  • Open Letter to Commanders
  • Soldier/Family Readiness System
  • Sample Readiness Plans
    – Battalion Level
    – Unit Level
  • Predeployment Briefings and Scheduling
  • Successful Family Readiness Groups
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Community and Family Support Center, and Operation READY:
Resources for Educating About Deployment and You, 2002
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spacer NHARNG Reunion and Reentry Program spacer
This briefing was presented on 28 February 2005 by the New Hampshire Army National Guard at a conference of the Adjutants General Association of the United States (AGAUS). It provides background information on the reentry life cycle and and on plans for reentry support activities. A list of essential partners in the reentry support process is also provided.
  • Overview
  • Background
  • Workshop Learnings
  • Consequences
  • Outcome
  • Reentry Life Cycle
  • Actions While Deployed
  • Demob Station
  • Welcome Home Ceremony
  • Reverse Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP)
  • Follow-On Plan
  • Other Reentry Activities
  • Essential Partners
New Hampshire Army National Guard, 28 February 2005
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PDF file (80KB)

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spacer AGAUS Spouses Workshop Presentation spacer
This briefing was presented on 28 February 2005 to the Spouses Workshop at a conference of the Adjutants General Assoication of the United States (AGAUS). It points out how the family, the employer, and the Guard member are all essential partners in the reentry process. It provides information on resources that can assist with reentry, including the Joint Force Headquarters family programs and Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). Stress is placed on the importance of the partnership between the National Guard Bureau and ESGR.
  • Essential Partners
  • JFHQs: Family Support Service Hub
  • Web Sites
  • Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)
    • CNGB Employer Support Initiatives
    • ESGR Mission Statement
    • Background
    • Why Is ESGR Important?
    • Challenge: Balancing Requirements and Commitments
    • Strength in Partnership
    • ESGR Programs
    • Military Unit Liaison
    • Patriot Program
    • Ombudsman Services
    • The Law
National Guard Bureau Manpower & Personnel Directorate, 28 February 2005
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