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Documents for Family Support and Readiness Groups
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Family Support and Readiness Groups

Family support groups provide valuable services and referrals for Air and Army National Guard families. The following guides provide materials and training to help Guard service members and their families. There are sections in the Military Leaders guides that relate to helping families that you may also wish to review.

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Operation Ready Workshop Guides

Predeployment Ongoing Readiness Workshop Guide
Post-Deployment and Reunion Workshop Guide
Family Assistance Center Workshop Guide

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spacer  Predeployment Ongoing Readiness Workshop Guide spacer
This 203-page workshop guide provides details on presenting a workshop for preparing for deployment.
  • Understanding and Planning for Separation
  • Coping with Separation
  • Financial Planning
  • Resources


Operation R.E.A.D.Y.Resources for Educating About Deployment and You, 1998
File (Size):
PDF file (404KB)

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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spacer Post-Deployment and Reunion Workshop Guide spacer
This 223-page guide provides the facilitator with resources needed to plan and conduct a workshop for post-deployment.
  • Soldiers
  • Families
  • Celebration Planning
  • Communication Techniques
  • Reunion Stress Management
  • Video Discussion Guide
Operation R.E.A.D.Y.Resources for Educating About Deployment and You, 1998
File (Size):
PDF file (514MB)

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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spacer  Family Assistance Center Workshop Guide spacer
This is a Family Assistance Center (FAC) workshop facilitator guide. It is designed for those who may be expected to set up and operate a FAC during deployment.
  • Active Component
  • Reserve Component
Operation R.E.A.D.Y.Resources for Educating About Deployment and You, 1998
File (Size):
PDF file (410KB)

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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