Community Outreach Partnerships


Community Outreach Partnerships

The National Guard works closely with the surrounding community to ensure that local organizations have the information they need to help Guard members and their families. We actively pursue relationships with veterans organizations, community service organizations, and other points of contact within the community to link their services to the services already available to the Guard. Relationships may be formalized in partnerships defined by Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). We have formed partnerships with the following organizations:

The National Guard Bureau Family Program (NGB-FP) Online Community welcomes our community outreach partners. Partnerships will help all of us better support Guard members and their families.

This section introduces the volunteer service organizations that have formed partnerships with the Guard, describes how we will work together, and provides links to useful information.

Information for Partners

  • MOUs
  • Ways the Guard can work with your organization
  • Helpful information about using the Online Community Web site.
  • Information about other partners and links to their official Web sites

Information for Guard Families

  • Ways partners can help you
  • How to find partners’ local organizations
  • Information about partners and links to their official Web sites
  • MOUs
  • How to support or participate in partner organizations