
Separation Handbooks

Separation Handbooksline

The National Guard Family Program has produced several separation handbooks to help youth and their caregivers with deployment. Take a look at these resources and share them with your children. The activity books for younger children can be printed out and used as a coloring book. Caregivers and teens can use the activity books for older children to stimulate discussions.

Check out the links below to learn more.

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spacer  Youth and Deployment: A Guide to Survival  spacer
This 31-page guide discusses deployment and its effect on youth. The guide includes extensive checklists and information about how to help your children cope with these impacts.
  • Preparing for Deployment
  • Deployment and Me
  • Deployment and My Family
  • Help from the National Guard
  • Resources


National Guard Bureau-Family Program Office, February 2003
File (Size):
PDF file (526K)

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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spacer Deployment Activity Books by Age Group spacer
These are colorful, well-written activity books designed to help your children deal with the deployment of a loved one.
Activity Guides by Age Group File (Size):
Lets Take a Trip
(Ages 2-4)
PDF file (4.2MB)
Travel Trunk
(Ages 5-7)
PDF file (6MB)
Travel Journal
(Ages 8-10)
PDF file (3MB)
Trip Ticket
(Ages 11-12)
PDF file (6MB)
Travel Pack Ages
PDF file (3.6MB)
National Guard Bureau-Family Program Office, February 2003

Note: To open the document, click on the PDF link. To save the PDF files to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As”.

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